Tag Archives: oatmeal

Breakfast and Chores

19 Aug

I started this morning off on the right foot:

That’s an unsweetened iced coffee with soy and a ‘perfect’ oatmeal with the nut topping (teehee 😉 ). I was forced to leave the condo this morning due to a scheduled maintenance of our water system– aka, the water was totally shut off from 9am until 12. Since I rarely rise before 9am when it’s not necessary, I couldn’t even wash my face this morning. Or brush my teeth… needless to say, it has been a pretty icky start to the day.

I’m off to fill a few prescriptions (is it just me that feels like a total old lady for needing to take a daily medication?), and then I have to clean clean clean the condo like a maniac. The Hubs is coming home tonight! Yippee!!