Tag Archives: froyo

the Hubs is Jealous

21 Aug

… of Ryan Gosling. I think I let out one too many dreamy sighs when watching Crazy, Stupid, Love last night on our date. I couldn’t help it! Any person with two X chromosomes who has ever seen The Notebook understands the unrequited love we all feel for the man.



Anywho, we definitely got a little of this before going to see the movie:

mmmMMMmm. That would be a combo of Peanut Butter Cookie and Caramel Almond Bar froyo with Captain Crunch, peanuts, and chocolate chips over the top. *double swoon*

just don't ask me to share.

After the movie we headed home and hung around. I was feeling pretty hungry so I nommed my (unpictured) leftover curry and shared a piece of the frozen arugula pizza (also unpictured 😦 ) I got from TJ’s and heated up for the Hubby’s dinner.

We also both had a 100calorie bag of butter popcorn, spritzed with olive oil and sprinkled generously with nutritional yeast, while watching the premiere episode of Millionare Matchmaker that the Hubs had saved on his computer.

Yes, we watch a myriad of Bravo shows together, and yes we love it. Except I think this season of Matchmaker is going to be a little too over-the-top, and I feel like Patti’s ‘success’ has really gone to her head. A lot of botox seems to have gone to her head too 😉

That was it for the night!

This morning I woke up feeling pretty full from my late dinner/snacks last night, so though I have planned a giant smoothie for breakfast I have yet to get around to whipping it up for myself.

Instead, I drank down some of my homemade iced coffee and made an omelette for my man.

liquid gold.

That ^^ would be a three (cage-free) egg omelette filled with spinach, black beans, and goat cheese, served with two slices of gluten-free toast.

I’m off to take my Hubs to the airport so he can fly back home to Seattle 😦 😦

It’s really hitting me that school starts back up tomorrow, and that my summer is really over.